When To Replace Your Car Shocks?

When To Replace Your Car Shocks?

Dampers are the general name that is given to the shock absorbers. There is a spring in a vehicle that  absorb bumps and other road shocks by compressing, and the shock absorbers control the amount of bouncing created when the springs are rebound. Shocks are likely to wear out gradually and so you might get used to a looser, bouncier ride. There are several warning signs that will tell you when shock absorbers need to be replaced.

  1. Poor quality while riding: – The ride quality is likely to differ in different vehicles. All vehicles are designed differently based on their intended purposes such as from a tight, bouncy suspension on a pickup truck to the looser, absorbent feel of a luxury car. If you have started to feel that your vehicle is more bouncy or rough or tends to “roll” on turns then it is the time to check the shock of your car.
  2. Nose dive when braking: – It is considered to be the common factor when the shock of your car goes bad. Nose diving is likely to occur while applying the brakes and the front portion of the car starts pointing toward the ground. Your car will not flip over as shown in the movies but it can be for safety issues. In the extreme cases there can be longer braking times and a momentary loss of steering. Such things will happen because your shocks are not strong enough to handle the weight of the vehicle.
  3. Your vehicle has body roll: – This term is used to describe how the body of a car feels which is based on the overall movement. If the shocks of your car are too bad then even on the slightest turn the body of the car is likely to lean towards the ground. So it is advised to check the shock of your car before you drive.
  4. Your vehicle “squats” when accelerating from a dead stop: – Your vehicle should have more than a few hundred horsepower so that the vehicle’s weight and force should be stuck up with the strength of the shocks no matter what type of acceleration you might need. If the shock of your car is bad then when you hit the gas pedal the momentum of your car will be transferred to the rear end which will cause the front end to rise a little bit into the air.
  5. Visible damage including dents, cuts or leaks: – Every shock is designed like a piston which has an internal reservoir of hydraulic fluid which helps to stabilize and control the body of the car and the wheels. If the shock is damaged then suspension of work can be easily seen.

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